Boston Lithuanian School

Rules and Procedures

Rules and procedures adopted by the BLS Board of Directors on April 27, 2019.

1. Mission Statement

We live here.
We are - Lithuanians of the world.
We are the past, the present, and the future of the Boston Lithuanian community.
We are students, parents, and teachers.
We are one big Lithuanian family.
Lithuanian - it is our way of life, heritage, and our choice.
We are - Boston Lithuanian School.

2. School Hours & Calendar

Classes are held on at least 26 Saturdays from the second Saturday in September to mid-May. School hours are on scheduled Saturdays from 9:00 am until 1:00pm. School calendar is posted on the school website and is subject to change during the school year. The school assumes responsibility for students during those hours only.

3. Registration, Enrollment and Tuition

Registration for the next school year starts in April or May. Current families are notified about registration dates by email, dates are also be posted on schools website. Registration is not complete without Medical and Consent forms, and registration fee. The school is open to all students, including adults, interested in learning Lithuanian language, culture and history. An interview and/or placement test may be required for admission. The school may need to evaluate language proficiency level of first-time students, upon enrolling. Most children are placed in classes according to age and /or language proficiency level. Tuition is considered as a full year payment and is not refundable. The full year's tuition amount is payable regardless of attendance. Tuition will not be refunded after the third week of school, except for medically documented reasons. In the case of a new family enrolling a student mid-year, the tuition will be prorated. The school administration sets tuition annually and posts it on school’s website. Limited financial aid is available to families in need of assistance, please contact the school’s principal for more info if needed. Registrations and payments received after the registration payment deadline will be subject to a non-refundable late fee per family.

4. Attendance, Tardiness, and Promotion

Regular attendance is integral to the academic program at the Boston Lithuanian School. Students should not miss classes for reasons other than illness or unavoidable emergencies. If classes are missed, it is the parents responsibility to inform the teacher ahead of time. Attendance records are maintained, and attendance is noted on the report cards. If a student misses 30% or more of classes per school year, student’s enrollment status or promotion to the next grade will be put under review and will be ruled on case by case basis. Teachers are not expected to provide extra help to make up any missed work, rather, it is the students or parents responsibility to obtain missed school work and homework assignments. BLM requires all students to attend full time. BLM does not support "social promotions" (ie, moving up with your friends). Grade placement of a student is strictly at the determination of student's current teacher, the teacher of the next higher grade, and the School's Director, advised by the Teachers council. Parental input will be considered.

5. School Cancellation

The school is cancelled by the Principal. The Principal sends an email to all the parents informing of the cancellation before 8:00 pm on Friday evening. The Principal calls all the teachers, who in turn call the parents of their students. If more than one child from the same family attends the school, the teacher of the eldest child will make the call. No school days are added to the school year because of cancelled classes.

6 Lunch & Recess Guidelines

Lunch break for preschool, kindergarten is 10:45-11:15am. For grades 1 thru 10 it is 11:00-11:30 am. Students are expected to bring their own lunch unless it will be provided as indicated on the school calendar. Students eat at the tables. Students do not eat on the stage, on the radiators, nor outside. Everyone cleans up after themselves. During lunch break students are not allowed upstairs without a teacher or parent, in the parking areas, or in the woods. Students must remain in the hall or school play yards. Preschoolers and Kindergarteners remain together during lunch and recess, and remain under supervision of their teachers at all times. All food and snacks must be nut-free at all times, including school functions.

7. Checking a Child Out of School and dismissal

No child will be allowed to leave the school grounds during the school day unless student's teacher is notified in advance. The parent or legal guardian must sign the student out of the building in the Early Dismissal Sign-Out Sheet in the presence of the Parent Monitor on duty at the front door. All persons are required to enter and leave the building through the front door only. Leaving the building through the side or rear doors is prohibited for security purposes. At dismissal time, students are to wait in the school hall for their parents. Students are not permitted outside or on the upper floors at this time. Parents of children from kindergarten through 1st grade must collect them from the classroom at the end of the day. All other students must be met by the parents in the hall on the 1st floor. Parents should arrive a few minutes early for pick-up, before and after class, parents are solely responsible for the children. No student under the age of 17 is allowed to leave the school without an adult. If a child is being picked up by another adult, other than a parent, teacher/or administration must be notified in advance, in writing.

8. Student Responsibility

Students are required to do their homework and come to class prepared with their books and supplies. If absent, it is the students ‘responsibility to determine the given assignments from the teacher, website, or from fellow classmates. Any missed classwork is also expected to be completed at home before returning to school.

9. Graduation requirements.

Boston Lithuanian School accepts all individuals, regardless of their language proficiency level or ability to attend classes. We aim to provide a safe academic environment to ensure proper development of Lithuanian language skills, knowledge of culture, and history. BLSM focuses on social growth and interaction for students of Lithuanian descent, to enhance future educational and career possibilities. In order to comply with a wide range of student needs, the following graduation requirements for pupils are as described:

  • In order to graduate from the Boston Lithuanian School with a graded diploma, students must be enrolled from 1st to 10th grade, and may not miss any enrollment years from grade 4 to 10, with at least 70 % yearly attendance rate.

  • All other students will be granted a certificate of the enrollment, based on the time attended.

10. Student Behavior

Students are expected to show proper respect to teachers, classmates at all times, follow directions from teachers, staff, or parent monitors the first time it is given. Be punctual when arriving for class and returning from breaks. Remain inside the building between 9am and 1pm. Respect personal property, in particular the St. Mary’s School building and there student and teacher property. Parents shall be held responsible for any damage caused by their children. Students are not allowed to eat during the class. Students are not allowed to run or play ball in the hallways, nor bring any kind of balls to school. Also note that students are not allowed to eat, drink or chew gum, no use of electronic devices during the class. BLM is a tobacco, vape, guns and explosives free zone.

11. Disciplinary Measures

Violations of the school’s rules are dealt with on an individual basis according to the specifics. Teachers will resolve minor offenses in class, for continued offenses, teachers will work with Principal. Serious offences will be consulted with the Board of Directors for a final determination. Serious offences include: physical violence, possession or use of drugs, including alcohol or tobacco, vandalism, false fire alarms. Boston Lithuanian school reserves the right to dismiss students due to improper conduct or lack of regular attendance.

12. Field Trips

Field trips may be planned by teachers and staff and are designed to enrich the curriculum. Parents will be informed in advance of any scheduled field trip and will be provided with details such as place, departure and return times, and other important information. Parent participation is welcome given additional persons can be accommodated. In order to participate on any field trip, students must have written permission from parent or guardian by the indicated due date. Verbal permission (such as phone call) is not considered sufficient. Students who do not have written permission to attend the field trip will remain at school.

13. Gifts & Treats

Invitations to birthday parties and other activities not related to school functions should be delivered outside of school hours. This will prevent uninvited students from having hurt feelings. Treats (for birthdays, special days, etc.) may be brought to school with advance permission from the teacher, but must include enough for the entire class. It is also recommended that treats be store bought or individually wrapped. BLM IS NUT FREE SCHOOL.

14. Personal Belongings / Lost & Found

Electronics are not permitted during class time. All phones are to be turned off or set to silent. If a student is found using an electronic device, it will be taken away and given to parent at dismissal. If a student is found with any items that are prohibited by law, then the student is subject to expulsion. Lost and found items may be collected at the end of the day but school administration does not take responsibility for them.

15. Medication

It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the school administration of any food or other allergies the child may have. The school does not employ a school nurse and medication for students cannot be held at the school. Teachers are not allowed to administer any medication, except emergency Epipen or Glucagon use.

16. Illness & Accidents

If a child is ill, please don't send her/him to school. Any child who has a fever, rash, open sore, inflamed eyes, has been vomiting during the past 24 hours, has diarrhea or potentially contagious condition is not permitted to school unless verification is provided that the child is being treated by a physician and has permission from a doctor that the child can attend school. Students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

17. Parent Responsibility

Parents are expected to follow school rules and regulations. No parent (other than Parent Monitors) are allowed in the first floor hall during school hours. Parents are permitted in the teacher lounges on the second floor.

18. Guard Duty / Parent Monitors

Parent Monitors are an important component of student safety and school operations by performing important security functions. Parents are required to perform Parent Monitor duties (Budejimas) as assigned per the schedule published at the start of the school year and updated throughout. If there are circumstances where a parent is unable to perform their duties on their assigned day, it is the parent’s responsibility to find a replacement. If no replacement is found and the Vice Principal is not notified by phone call no later than Thursday night, then the School Administration, may at its choosing, invoice the parent a $100.00 “No Show” fee.

19. School Parking

Policies are in place to ensure safety of all students before, during, and after school in regard to the driveways and parking areas. No parking is permitted in the rear of the building and no one should ever drive behind the building. Please maintain a safe, low speed when driving in the front parking lot. Driving around the school is not permitted at any time.

20. Emergency procedures

In case of the fire alarm, or fire, teachers must instruct students to leave the classroom at once and proceed with the teacher towards the closest exit. All belongings must be left behind, including coats and backpacks. Teachers must take the list of students with that days attendance, marked. Students have to remain with their teachers outside the school building, in the soccer field till further instructions by the Administration, or Fire Marshal.